Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Sunday Thanks": Opportunity

This weekend, James and I took a little get-away to NYC. It was very spur-of-the-moment. I had this past week off from classes and my internship, and James was able to take Friday off, so we just went for it and planned a little trip. We could have stayed with James and Meg, but decided to be true tourists and stay right "off" of Times Square at the Mayfair New York Hotel. Honestly, we needed to have a weekend that was just about us. We see each other so little during the week, and even the past few weekends have been too busy for us to soak each other up.

At any rate, this weekend reminded me how blessed we are that we're able to just take a weekend off and get away. James and I are at a great stage in our lives and our relationship that allow us a lot of flexibility and great opportunities to enjoy life and each other. As I walked around Times Square, took in a movie at the Film Forum, waited on line to get tickets for Phantom of the Opera, and went to bed in my cute hotel room, I thought about the fact that not many people have that sort of opportunity, especially on a whim like James and I. We are so incredibly blessed in all that we have and in all that we are able to do. My prayer at Mass tonight was that I continue to use the opportunities that I have had throughout my life as catalysts to create opportunities for others.

I'll post on our trip some time this week--pictures included:)

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